559-476-9012 | info@iamzumwalt.com | PO Box 27032 Fresno, CA 93729
Welcome, Zumwalt is a Fresno, California based firm serving the Central Valley and Greater California area.
The mission here at Zumwalt is to provide you, the customer with the very best that Zumwalt has to offer. The goals to reach that mission are connection, hard work, and learning.
Zumwalt does four things, Land Surveying, Civil Engineering, Accessibility, and Drone Photography. These are the primary categories that form the framework for the rest of services.
Land Surveying services include Topographic Maps, Boundary Surveys, Record of Surveys, Corner Records, Lot Line Adjustments, Drone Surveys, Tentative Parcel Maps, Tentative Subdivision Maps, Final Parcel Maps, Final Subdivision Maps.
Civil Engineering services include Site Plans, Grading Plans, Wet Utility Plans, Block Wall Design, Civil Improvement Plans, Street Plans, and Subdivision Plans.
Accessibility services include Certified Access Specialist (CASp) Inspections, CASp Plan Review, and CASp Certifications.
Drone Photography services include Drone Surveys, Site Video, Aerial Photography, Aerial Mapping, and Sports Videos.
Many of these services have different applications, and the needs of you the customer vary with which field your in, the site conditions, and where you are in your process. Wherever you may be, I invite you to connect with Zumwalt.
Jonathan T. Zumwalt
559-476-9012 | info@iamzumwalt.com | PO Box 27032 Fresno, CA 93729